Stirling Moss, Britain’s Greatest Racing Driver, an 80th birthday celebration bookazine
A joint collaboration between Octane and Porter Press, this bookazine was created to celebrate Sir Stirling's 80th birthday and is a fascinating archive of very different features about the great man, with major contributions from Doug Nye and Philip Porter. Articles include The Early Years, Every Car Ever Raced, Doug Nye on memories and anecdotes, Family Matters, Mercedes-Benz 722, The Art of Driving, Vanwall, Moss Art, Maserati 250F, Stirling's Ten Best Cars and Ten Worst, Mercedes-Benz Gullwing, Lady Moss, Moss the Designer, Moss on Clothes, Scooters, The Mayfair house that Moss built, Race Results...
ISBN 978-1-9072320-1-5